Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Oakridge Opening?

On Saturday, May 2nd, 2009, a news report announced that the City and State have signed off on the "Health Hazards" in Oakridge MH Park. Residents whose home survived can go in and start working to make their places habitable again.

Loretta and I went right down there and they let us in. Once inside it becomes painfully apparent that the debris clean up company that the City hired didn't do nearly as much as they promised. This should be something that Alarcon might have an impact on. As we toured the park we also came across a few (4) home that are wrapped in "bubble wrap". I heard that these homes have been destroyed but the owners wouldn't sign off on the clean up, therefore their debris remains on their space.

1 comment:

  1. Not signing off on the clean up was a huge misstep. I suppose they'll now have to pay "out of pocket".
